8 Secrets to Genius Thinking from the Wisdom of Charlie Munger
Charlie Munger is regarded as one of the greatest investors of the 20th century. As the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, he collaborated with his renowned partner, Warren Buffett, to create an astonishing investment portfolio that has generated substantial wealth. Munger is modest and attributes his success to specific ways of thinking and mental models that have guided him throughout his life. What makes Charlie’s mind so effective? What is the “bag of tricks” he relies on to analyze and assess businesses and investments, contributing to the success of Berkshire Hathaway and his investment portfolio? “I was very lucky because everywhere I looked, at the pinnacle, there was someone better…
8 Lessons to the Art of Stealth Wealth
In today's world, many people take pride in showing off their wealth and luxurious lifestyles. Social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram let everyone display their fancy possessions and glamorous experiences. Movies and TV shows often focus on wealth, featuring flashy cars and huge houses. However, the people who seem rich aren't always what they appear to be.
8 Tips to Become a Savvy Spender
We work hard to earn money, so we should be free to spend it as we wish. Right? However, thinking ahead and learning to be wise spenders is paramount to success. By becoming savvy spenders, we can keep more of the money we earn, which allows us to save for unexpected expenses, invest in stocks, or cover our regular bills, such as our mortgage.
8 Lessons to Create a Budget
When it comes to the most vital skills in personal finance, I think learning how to create a budget is at the top. Whether you’re a college student, a stay-at-home parent, or a young professional, budgeting is a critical aspect of achieving financial success. I have learned a lot about personal finance and have consolidated my knowledge in this blog, here are 8 lessons to create a budget like a personal finance expert. Furthermore, know that how you manage your money by creating a budget can mean whether you become successful with money or not. Therefore, let’s start first with the first point, and that is having a goal. 1.…
8 Money Rule of Thumbs That Will Make You Rich
There are many rules of thumb out there when it comes to life but what I want to write about are the most important ones that deal with money and getting rich. I love and rely on rules of thumb that help guide me in many facets of my life, especially managing my finances. A rule of thumb is a term for practical advice, a guiding principle based on theory or experience simplified enough to follow it (if we choose to) and yield success. What if we have the most critical rules of thumb about money to help guide us? I collected the financial rules of thumb passed on by…
8 Lessons from the Richest Man in Babylon (On Wealth Building)
In 1926, George Samuel Clason published a series of pamphlets written in parables that was set in the ancient city of Babylon. The book became known as The Richest Man in Babylon and has become a classic in financial literature. I first encountered this little book when I graduated college and was blown away by the simplicity of the story and by the tried-and-true lessons it presented for accumulating wealth.