Wealth and Abundance
This section contains articles that will help you manifest an abundant life, and self-help content that can guide you with personal finance and wealth building.
8 Powerful Financial Wisdom from Li Ka-Shing
Li Ka-Shing’s incredible story is an inspiration. As a person who started life in poverty and eventually becoming one of the wealthiest businessmen in Asia, he is considered an inspirational self-made billionaire. Li Ka-shing is a businessman and philanthropist from Hong Kong and one of Asia’s most influential entrepreneurs. He was born in 1928 in Chaozhou, China, and came to Hong Kong as a child during the Sino-Japanese War. At 15, he started working in a plastics factory to help support his family and then launched his own company, Cheung Kong Industries, in 1950, making plastic flowers. In the 1970s, we saw him expand into real estate by acquiring Hutchison…
8 Lessons to the Art of Stealth Wealth
In today's world, many people take pride in showing off their wealth and luxurious lifestyles. Social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram let everyone display their fancy possessions and glamorous experiences. Movies and TV shows often focus on wealth, featuring flashy cars and huge houses. However, the people who seem rich aren't always what they appear to be.
8 Money Rule of Thumbs That Will Make You Rich
There are many rules of thumb out there when it comes to life but what I want to write about are the most important ones that deal with money and getting rich. I love and rely on rules of thumb that help guide me in many facets of my life, especially managing my finances. A rule of thumb is a term for practical advice, a guiding principle based on theory or experience simplified enough to follow it (if we choose to) and yield success. What if we have the most critical rules of thumb about money to help guide us? I collected the financial rules of thumb passed on by…
8 Lessons from the Richest Man in Babylon (On Wealth Building)
In 1926, George Samuel Clason published a series of pamphlets written in parables that was set in the ancient city of Babylon. The book became known as The Richest Man in Babylon and has become a classic in financial literature. I first encountered this little book when I graduated college and was blown away by the simplicity of the story and by the tried-and-true lessons it presented for accumulating wealth.